Wednesday, September 9, 2009

1st post

The topic I'm planning to write about is memories. I had trouble making my decision but i figured that it was a topic that would ben easy. Memories are things that everyone has and I don't have trouble remembering the good and bad days in my life. I love to remenice, so that's another reason why i thought this was a good topic. I wouldn't enjoy my life as much if I couldn't remember the good times and remembering the bad times just pushes me to do better.
The way I hope to improve my writing is to explain wtih detail but not too much. When I write I tend to put a lot of detail into things that aren't really important. I get distracted easily and change subjects a lot. I'll start writing and then subject changes so much that the main subject isn't main anymore. It's like I mix up all my ideas.
I only like writing when It's about topics of my own interest so this is good. When we have to do writing prompts it's really hard for me to think of ideas to support the main one. Especially when the prompt is very specific. I feel like my writing can't expand. Like there is a right and wrong answer. But there is no reason to worry about that here.

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