In the third and final part of Planet Pregnancy by Linda Oatman High, you see a complete change of heart in Sahara that you can't really understand. In the beginning of the book, all she was thinking about doing was getting rid of the baby. Well she changed her mind. Sometimes I think "what if I was in that situation? what would I do?" Well I thought about it and at first I said to myself that I would never get rid of a baby. I thought everyone deserves a chance to live, but then I thought about it more deeply. What if you weren't ready to raise a child and you knew you had no one to stand by you? I know I would be so scared. This to me is a very difficult situation that Sahara shouldn't have felt the need to deal with alone. After she thought about th situation she decided to tell her mom because she wasn't going to be able to hide the baby much longer. Her mother, like any other mother I know, freaked out. Then Sahara felt better with herself. She knew that her mom would not be happy, but she also knew that her mom wasn't going to put her out on the street in that condition. I think she should've done this from the beginnig, but of course she neede time to think. torwards the very end of the book Sahara's feelings torward the baby change.
I just want to build a canopy over my baby and keep it from danger.
This shows that she is beginning to care for the baby. She wan'ts the baby to be fine. She is starting to feel like any other mother, who is ready to have a child, should feel. I think she starts to feel this way because now her pregnancy is not a secret. I think telling her mother made her feel that it didn't matter what anybody else thought. Because she didn't have to hide anything anymore, she thought more openly about the situation.
I'm laughing and crying at the same time............I'm in total love.
Sahara says this after she gives birth. I think this shows that everything is going to be fine and that she made the right choice. I'm not saying that teen pregnancies always turn out this way but this was a appy ending. In this situation, by making one big mistake Sahara gained a lot. She matured and thought life through. She realized that Grace ( her new daughter) was one of the best things that happened to her. I would want my experience with my first child to be like this. The only thing I would change is the age. I would like to wait a while before I decide to become a mom.
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