Thursday, May 20, 2010

Rules of Love

    In relationships today couples aren't very conservative. They can tell eachother anything. They call eachother a lot of names, good and bad, and they are not as respectful towards each other like they were before. The line between what nice guys do and don't do is hard to see. One thing would be that nice guys do not hit girls. However I think that the line between what nice girls do and don't do is different. I think that because a lot of the drama in a relationship is directed to the girl, the reactions of the girls should be tolerated a little more than the guys. In a lot of relationships it is the guy that starts and causes a lot of the arguments so whatever the girl decides to do is understandable. Another thing that nice guys don't do is cheat. If a guy does not want to be with the girl anymore then why cheat, why not just break up. Also nice guys do not disrespect their girlfriends parents. This would also apply for a girl.
    Different rules are set within different relationships and depending on how badly the rule is broken, there are different consequences. Some people just drop the situation because they don't want big arguments. In other relationships one mistake and the relationship is over. I think that consequences ddepend on mutual tolerance.
    It is not clear where the rules come from.I think it is just morals. It is just how you are taught to behave. Although that is not always the answer because sometimes even if you know something is not right, you would still do it. I guess it would depend on the individual. Not all people live by the same rules therefore I don't think there are actual rules set for love. Different people like different things. Although people like different things I think everyone would like respect.

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