In this past year my writing changed a lot. My way of thinking improved. This blog helped me write more naturally. My thoughts became easier to express in writing. I do realize though, that my writings wouldn't change the world. The first topic I ever wanted to write about was memories. Now I'm realizing that I wasn't really writing about memories. If I look back at my blog I see that I'm making memories for the furture. I could look back on my blog and see how I thought, or how I felt at the time I was writing the posts.
One of my favorite posts was the one I wrote about the actual memories. The reason why this is one of my favorite posts is because I went more in depth than any other piece of writing I had done before this. I could say that this post was one of the more serious pieces of work that I had ever done. I think this was where I started taking writing more seriously.On this post I realized that I work better when I'm alone. I wrote this post when I was home alone. I guess to write things more in depth I need to be alone with my thoughts. Sometimes I need to be around people to actually think of something to write about. I guess the topics I write about depend on the environment I'm in when I'm writing. I'm sure that this happens to many people. This post shows me how I was thinking back then in the beginning of the year. My cousins death was still so present with me. Even though it has been two years. This post reminds me that I was actually planning to dedicate my whole blog to him. I soon realized though that my memories of him and I weren't c;ear enough to describe. They were also very private. When it was time for the next post I realized that I didn't choose such a good topic for myself since I'm not a very open person. I like to keep my thoughts and feelings to myself. My memories aren't so private but it is very hard for me to open up to just anyone. My Memories post reminds me of all the things I thought I could share. One of my least favortie posts was this one because it didn't have a clear topic. I kept jumping around because I was thinking about so many things at once. This post shows how I still have much to learn about writing. I actually found more posts that have the same problem. I don't make it clear what I am actually writing about. I don't even think I have an actual topic. These were just posts to say what was on my mind. There was no actually thesis. There was no actual point I was trying to make. This post shows me that I have to work on my writing skills quite a bit. Sometimes it is necessary to be corrected. This blog was a place where we could write about whatever we wanted but if we write about whatever we want then how are we being corrected. Some people don't take this assignment seriously. How will those people know if they are getting better at writinf. Will they just have to evaluate themselves?
Having a blog has changed the way I think. I think about things more deeply. If I find something interesting I look back at it and see if I can make a post out of it. Like this post, I wrote after reading a book about slavery. I didn't put in many things from the book. This post was more about what I thought about the topic in general. From the blog it's hard for me to tell if I'm developing as a writer. I might think I got better at writing but other people might not. One thing I know for sure is that the blog made writing easier for me. Since I wasn't good at writing before I didn't like it, or maybe I wasn't good at it because I didn't like it? Well whatever the reason was, that all has changed. Since writing comes more naturally now, I don't really have a problem with it. I'm not carzy about it yet either. I'm not crazy enough about it to spend weeks writing a book. What I write about in my bog is usually stuff that goes on in my life or stuff I think about at the moment I write the post. This makes it easier. I'm pretty sure that is this blog was based on having to respond to writing prompts, I wouldn't be doing so well. As soon as someone tells you what to write about, that is where the writer's block begins. Having this blog has showed me that if you don't have someone telling you what to write about then writting can actually be cool. Since we started this assingnment I feel more comfortable with the way I write and I don't mind if other people read my work. Before I used to feel like other people were so much better than me in writing that I wouldn't want anyone to see my work. Now I feel more confident and I don't mind other people read it. The one thind I wish I had more of on my blog is coments. I think that if i had more coments I can see how bad or how well I'm doing. A little feedback would help my develop more as a writer.
Although writing was never really been my thing I feel like that is slowly changing because of this blog. I'm willing to try my best to improve every year. This year my blog was just a place to vent out my thoughts. Next year I think setting goals for myself would be a good idea. Maybe if I planned out my blogs and actually put more time and effort into them then I could be even better. This being my last blog of my 2010 school year I'm happy to say that I feel accomplished. I learned a lot about myself and I have developed quite a bit in my writing. I think I'm prepared for what Junior year will bring.